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The number of devices going online grows every day. Connecting them all presents new challenges since IoT hardware is often limited in terms of available resources. Cheap, power-efficient microcontrollers with unreliable power sources have to talk to each other over wireless networks with low throughput and high packet loss rate. They usually use lightweight application layer protocols for communication. Some of the popular choices include messaging protocols like MQTT or XMPP, but today we’ll have a look at something quite different. Constrained Application Protocol described in RFC 7252 is specially tailored to the task.
It’s based on the familiar client/server model. The idea is to represent accessible data as “resources”. It can be a temperature reading from a thermometer, the amount of battery life left in a device or anything else. A CoAP server makes resources available under human-readable URIs like /thermometers/5
. By convention used for discoverability, all resources can be listed by hitting /.well-known/core
address. Each resource can also specify a set of options which can be queried on - /.well-known/core?rt=light_switch
would list all resources with the rt (resource type) parameter set to light_switch
Resources can be interacted with using the GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests. As you might expect, they work just like the HTTP counterparts. This similarity makes it possible to map the requests from one protocol to another and integrate CoAP systems with the Web, which we’ll try to do. Unlike HTTP, to keep things light, communication happens over UDP. Requests can be “confirmable” or “non-confirmable” depending on our needs. Large payloads are handled on the application layer to avoid IP fragmentation through a block-wise transfer.
The most interesting feature is the “observe” option. A client, while making a GET request, can pass a specific flag to start an observation. It is then added by the server to the list of observers of the given resource and continues listening for the server’s responses. It allows us to build systems passively accepting data whenever they come just like the messaging protocols do.
There are other interesting features to explore. Datagrams can be secured with DTLS. There’s also a possibility for multicast and grouping of resources. It is used in one of the biggest and most promising open source IoT frameworks IoTivity sponsored by Open Connectivity Foundation - one of the emerging IoT standards.
The Aim
Our end goal is to create a simple setup similar to the one described in this draft. We’ll have a bunch of nodes hooked up to a node directory. The nodes will register their resources in the directory. Our directory will expose an HTTP API and translate all HTTP requests to CoAP requests and route them to the correct node. We’ll also have a web application that will allow us to see and change the state of our resources through this API. The idea is that the only static IP address that anyone needs to know is the address of the resource directory - either for the node to register a new resource or for the web application to hit the HTTP API.
I’ve decided to use Elixir for the task. It’s a promising technology in the IoT world due to the Nerves project and being an awesome language in general. By the end of this article, we’ll have created an Elixir application that mocks a node and another one that implements the directory without the HTTP API part. In the following articles we’ll complete the directory, add the web UI to the setup and then we’ll try running the node directory on a Raspberry PI thanks to Nerves. Finally, we’ll get rid of the Elixir application mocking a node, implement it in C instead and put it on an actual hardware like the popular ESP8266.
Let’s get to it!
The first challenge is to find an Elixir-compatible CoAP library. The best thing I’ve come up with was the gen_coap Erlang implementation. It’s not complete and lacks documentation, but it’s more than enough for what we’re going to do here. Plus it will be a good lesson in using an Erlang library in Elixir code.
“Mix new” is a good place to start. We’re going to divide our project into 3 parts straight away. First will be the node app, second the directory app and third - common code between these two apps.
mix new coap_node
mix new coap_directory
mix new coap
To keep things short I won’t follow the whole process that I went through step-by-step, but rather I'll describe the end result. So let’s start with the common library. We’re just going to include it in coap_node
and coap_directory
as a dependency, so it doesn’t need to define an application. All it needs is the gen_coap
# coap/mix.exs
def application do
defp deps do
{:gen_coap, git: ""}
The first thing from this library that we’ll be using extensively is an Erlang record defined in gen_coap/include/coap.hrl
. For compatibility with Erlang records, Elixir provides the Record module. Its defrecord/3
macro creates a set of functions to create and access data from a record. The extract/2
function allows us to extract a record definition from an Erlang file. Remember to require Record
before using its macro.
# coap/lib/coap/records.ex
defmodule Coap.Records do
require Record
Record.defrecord :coap_content, Record.extract(
:coap_content, from_lib: "gen_coap/include/coap.hrl"
The main idea behind gen_coap
is to create a handler for different request types and register it under a specified path. A handler should implement the :coap_resource
behaviour. In the shared library, we want to define a wrapper for this behaviour that provides a default implementation of all the callbacks, plus a start/2
function to create a resource. All the callbacks correspond to specific requests made to the given path. The coap_discover/2
callback is called when the CoAP server is asked for a list of registered resources. It will make more sense once we have used it.
# coap/lib/coap/resource.ex
defmodule Coap.Resource do
defmacro __using__(_) do
quote do
import Coap.Records
@behaviour :coap_resource
def start(path, params) do
:coap_server_registry.add_handler(path, __MODULE__, params)
def coap_discover(prefix, args) do
[{:absolute, prefix, args}]
def coap_get(_ch_id, _prefix, _name, _query) do
def coap_post(_ch_id, _prefix, _name, _content) do
{:ok, :content, coap_content()}
def coap_put(_ch_id, _prefix, _name, _content) do
def coap_delete(_ch_id, _prefix, _name) do
def coap_observe(ch_id, prefix, name, _ack) do
{:ok, {:state, prefix, name}}
def coap_unobserve({_state, _prefix, _name}) do
def handle_info(_message, state) do
{:noreply, state}
def coap_ack(_ref, state) do
{:ok, state}
defoverridable [start: 2, coap_discover: 2, coap_get: 4, coap_post: 4, coap_put: 4,
coap_delete: 3, coap_observe: 4, coap_unobserve: 1, handle_info: 2, coap_ack: 2]
The last common piece of code will be a somewhat generic key-value storage based on :ets.
# coap/lib/coap/storage.ex
defmodule Coap.Storage do
use GenServer
@server_name Coap.Storage
# GenServer interface
def start_link(_args, _options) do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: @server_name)
def get(key) do, {:get, key})
def set(key, change, overwrite \\ false) do, {:set, key, change, overwrite})
def all do, :all)
# GenServer handlers
def init(_args) do
ets =, [:set, :private])
{:ok, ets}
def handle_call({:get, key}, _from, ets) do
{:reply, do_get(ets, key), ets}
def handle_call({:set, key, change, overwrite}, _from, ets) do
{:reply, do_set(ets, key, change, overwrite), ets}
def handle_call(:all, _from, ets) do
{:reply, :ets.tab2list(ets), ets}
def handle_call(request, from, ets) do
super(request, from, ets)
def handle_cast(request, ets) do
super(request, ets)
# private
defp do_get(ets, key) do
case :ets.lookup(ets, key) do
[{^key, value}] -> value
_ -> :not_found
defp do_set(ets, key, change, overwrite) do
value = if(is_function(change), do: change.(do_get(ets, key)), else: change)
insertion = if(overwrite, do: &:ets.insert/2, else: &:ets.insert_new/2)
case insertion.(ets, {key, value}) do
true -> value
false -> false
CoAP Node
Armed with these tools we can start implementing the node. For now, we’ll add the gen_coap
to the dependencies along with an absolute path to our library with shared code. If you look at
in the gen_coap’s source code, you’ll see that the application’s entry module is :coap_server
. And it turns out that this module implements both the application behaviour and supervisor behaviour, but the application start/2
function doesn’t let you define the port it is supposed to run on. It will always fall back to the default CoAP port 5683. In order to specify which port we want the node to run on, we’ll have to put the server in our supervision tree. Also, I add a bit of code in mix.exs to read the port from an env variable and add a worker running the previously defined storage.
# coap_node/mix.exs
@default_port 5683
def application do
applications: [:logger],
mod: {CoapNode, port}
defp deps do
{:gen_coap, git: ""},
{:coap, path: "../coap"}
defp port do
if port = System.get_env("COAP_PORT") do
case Integer.parse(port) do
{port, ""} -> port
_ -> @default_port
# coap_node/lib/coap_node.ex
defmodule CoapNode do
use Application
def start(_type, port) do
# coap_node/lib/coap_node/supervisor.ex
defmodule CoapNode.Supervisor do
use Supervisor
@name CoapNode.Supervisor
def start_link(port) do
Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, port, name: @name)
def init(port) do
children = [
supervisor(CoapNode.ServerSupervisor, [port]),
worker(Coap.Storage, [[], []])
supervise(children, strategy: :one_for_one)
# coap_node/lib/coap_node/server_supervisor.ex
defmodule CoapNode.ServerSupervisor do
def start_link(port) do
Supervisor.start_link(:coap_server, [port])
Now we have a CoAP server running under the port chosen with a COAP_PORT
env variable. But before we test it, let’s actually add a resource to it. We’ll be using the resource wrapper that we already implemented in our library with shared code. Our resource is going to represent a switch. It will have a binary state: true for “on” and false for “off”. The state is going to be stored in the key-value storage under the same key as the path of the resource. We’ll be able to check its state by sending a GET request and change it by sending “on”, “off” or “toggle” with a PUT request. In order to test the CoAP observe option, we’ll respond to a PUT request with a notification.
# coap_node/lib/coap_node/resources/switch.ex
defmodule CoapNode.Resources.Switch do
use Coap.Resource
alias Coap.Storage
def start(path, params) do
Storage.set(path_to_string(path), false)
super(path, params)
# gen_coap handlers
def coap_get(_ch_id, prefix, _name, _query) do
key = path_to_string(prefix)
case Storage.get(key) do
:not_found -> coap_content(payload: "not found")
value -> coap_content(payload: key <> " " <> serialize_value(value))
def coap_put(_ch_id, prefix, _name, content) do
{:coap_content, _etag, _max_age, _format, payload} = content
key = path_to_string(prefix)
response = process_payload(key, payload)
:coap_responder.notify(prefix, coap_content(payload: key <> " " <> serialize_value(response)))
# private
defp serialize_value(value) do
cond do
is_boolean(value) -> if(value, do: "on", else: "off")
true -> value
defp path_to_string(path) do
Enum.join(path, "/")
defp process_payload(storage_key, payload) do
case payload do
"on" -> Storage.set(storage_key, true, true)
"off" -> Storage.set(storage_key, false, true)
"toggle" -> Storage.set(storage_key, fn(state) -> !state end, true)
_ -> "not recognized"
Let’s test what we’ve done so far. The easiest way to do it seems to be the Copper plugin for Firefox. It allows the browser to handle the coap://
URI scheme and shows a nice interface for interacting with the CoAP server. But first, start the server and add a resource under switches/1
~/coap_node> COAP_PORT=50000 iex -S mix
iex(1)> CoapNode.Resources.Switch.start(["switches", "1"], [])
Now open a Firefox tab and visit coap://localhost:50000
. Here you can GET ./well-known/core
to see all the registered resources, GET switches/1
to see the state of our switch and PUT a new state of the switch by specifying the outgoing payload to “on”, “off” or “toggle”. Before you update the state though, open a new tab, visit the same URL and OBSERVE the resource to see that the notifications indeed work. Have fun!
CoAP Directory
As a reminder: the idea is that the outside world won’t know the IP address of every single node. It will only know the address of the directory and will want to access all the nodes through it. So we need a CoAP endpoint to let nodes register their resources and a way to make requests to them. In the next article, we’ll expose an HTTP API, translate all the HTTP requests to CoAP and route them to the correct resources.
This time, we’ll just add the gen_coap
to the list of our applications since we don’t need to specify the CoAP server port. The resource registry will actually be implemented as a CoAP resource under the path /registry
. Our main module will start the main supervisor and the registry. Resource registration will work through a POST request with payload specifying the desired resource path and port on which the resource’s server is listening. Registry will then try to add an entry to the storage with a key switches/1
and value {{127, 0, 0, 1}, 50000}
. It will respond with “ok” or “path taken” in case there's already a resource registered under this path.
# coap_directory/mix.exs
def application do
applications: [:logger, :gen_coap],
mod: {CoapDirectory, []}
defp deps do
{:gen_coap, git: ""},
{:coap, path: "../coap"}
# coap_directory/lib/coap_directory.ex
defmodule CoapDirectory do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
# coap_directory/lib/coap_directory/supervisor.ex
defmodule CoapDirectory.Supervisor do
use Supervisor
@name CoapDirectory.Supervisor
def start_link do
Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: @name)
def init([]) do
children = [
worker(Coap.Storage, [[], []])
supervise(children, strategy: :one_for_one)
# coap_directory/lib/coap_directory/resource_registry.ex
defmodule CoapDirectory.ResourceRegistry do
use Coap.Resource
alias Coap.Storage
def start do
start(["registry"], [])
# gen_coap handlers
def coap_post(ch_id, _prefix, _name, content) do
{ip, _channel_port} = ch_id
{:coap_content, _etag, _max_age, _format, payload} = content
{path, port} = parse_payload(payload)
response = case Storage.set(path, {ip, port}) do
false -> "path taken"
_ -> "ok"
{:ok, :content, coap_content(payload: response)}
# private
defp parse_payload(payload) do
[path, port] = String.split(payload, " ")
port = String.to_integer(port)
{path, port}
It’s time to add a way to make requests to the registered servers or start an observation. Let’s start with a simple wrapper for the gen_coap
module with just get and put requests. It will return a Task.
# coap_directory/lib/coap_directory/client.ex
defmodule CoapDirectory.Client do
import Coap.Records
alias Coap.Storage
def discover do
Storage.all |>{path, _address}) -> path end)
def get(path) do
request(path, :get, coap_content())
def put(path, payload) do
request(path, :put, coap_content(payload: payload))
def request(path, method, content) do
case Storage.get(path) do
:not_found -> :not_found
address -> async_request(address, path, method, content)
defp async_request(address, path, method, content) do
Task.async(fn -> :coap_client.request(method, coap_uri(address, path), content) end)
defp coap_uri(address, path) do
{ip, port} = address
'coap://' ++ :inet.ntoa(ip) ++ ':' ++ Integer.to_char_list(port) ++ '/' ++
Now for something more interesting - an observer. We’ll use the gen_coap
module which sends observed notifications as messages to the owner process. We also have to implement the handling of those messages. For now, we'll do it by relaying the payload of the notifications to the process with PID passed to the observer at the start of the observation. In order to be able to create many observations at once, they will be started using a supervisor with :simple_one_for_one strategy.
# coap_directory/lib/coap_directory/supervisor.ex
children = [
worker(Coap.Storage, [[], []]),
supervisor(CoapDirectory.ObserverSupervisor, [])
# coap_directory/lib/coap_directory/observer_supervisor.ex
defmodule CoapDirectory.ObserverSupervisor do
use Supervisor
@name CoapDirectory.ObserverSupervisor
def start_link do
Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: @name)
def start_observer(path, target_pid) do
Supervisor.start_child(@name, [path, target_pid])
def init([]) do
children = [
worker(CoapDirectory.Observer, [], restart: :temporary)
supervise(children, strategy: :simple_one_for_one)
# coap_directory/lib/coap_directory/observer.ex
defmodule CoapDirectory.Observer do
use GenServer
alias Coap.Storage
def start_link(path, target_pid) do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [path, target_pid], [])
# GenServer handlers
def init([path, target_pid]) do
case Storage.get(path) do
:not_found -> {:stop, :not_found}
address ->
:coap_observer.observe(coap_uri(address, path))
{:ok, target_pid}
def handle_info({:coap_notify, _pid, _n, _code, content}, target_pid) do
{:coap_content, _etag, _max_age, _format, payload} = content
send(target_pid, payload)
{:noreply, target_pid}
defp coap_uri(address, path) do
{ip, port} = address
'coap://' ++ :inet.ntoa(ip) ++ ':' ++ Integer.to_char_list(port) ++ '/' ++
Finally the last piece of the puzzle - we need to register the resource of CoapNode on its creation. We’ll hard-code the IP address of the registry endpoint for now.
# coap_node/mix.exs
def application do
applications: [:logger],
mod: {CoapNode, port},
env: [coap_port: port, registry_endpoint: 'coap://']
# coap_node/lib/coap_node/resources/switch.ex
def start(path, params) do
{:ok, port} = Application.fetch_env(:coap_server, :coap_port)
{:ok, registry_endpoint} = Application.fetch_env(:coap_server, :registry_endpoint)
{:ok, :content, {:coap_content, _etag, _max_age, _format, payload}} = :coap_client.request(
:post, registry_endpoint,
coap_content(payload: path_to_string(path) <> " " <> Integer.to_string(port))
case payload do
"ok" ->
Storage.set(path_to_string(path), false)
super(path, params)
"path taken" -> :path_taken
And that’s it. Now we can see the whole setup in action. We pass self()
to the observer creator and then flush()
the notifications to see that the observation works.
~/coap_directory> iex -S mix
~/coap_node> COAP_PORT=50000 iex -S mix
iex(1)> CoapNode.Resources.Switch.start(["switches", "1"], [])
iex(1)> CoapDirectory.Client.get("switches/1") |> Task.await()
{:ok, :content, {:coap_content, :undefined, 60, :undefined, "switches/1 off"}}
iex(2)> CoapDirectory.Client.put("switches/1", "toggle") |> Task.await()
{:ok, :changed, {:coap_content, :undefined, 60, :undefined, ""}}
iex(3)> CoapDirectory.Client.get("switches/1") |> Task.await()
{:ok, :content, {:coap_content, :undefined, 60, :undefined, "switches/1 on"}}
iex(4)> CoapDirectory.ObserverSupervisor.start_observer("switches/1", self())
{:ok, #PID<0.288.0>}
iex(5)> CoapDirectory.Client.put("switches/1", "toggle") |> Task.await()
{:ok, :changed, {:coap_content, :undefined, 60, :undefined, ""}}
iex(6)> flush()
"switches/1 off"
What’s next
Next time we’ll try to implement an HTTP API for the CoapDirectory, translate HTTP requests to CoAP and route them to the correct CoapNodes. I’ve had fun creating this setup and even though it’s a bit clunky and the library I’ve used is not ready, this little project has taught me a lot about Elixir and Erlang. And on top of that I got to research a promising, new technology.
Part 2 is out. Check it out!
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