The State of Vue.js Report 2025 is now available! Case studies, key trends and community insights.
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A while ago three members of our IoT team recently had a chance to visit the beautiful city of Barcelona in order to participate in one of the best known and most exciting IoT events this year - IoT Solutions World Congress Barcelona. As regular IoT events attendees we wanted to share with you our thoughts (and show you some great photos from this year edition)!
Even though there are plenty of IoT-related conferences and expos these days, this one was, for sure, the biggest and most interesting one we’ve seen.
The conference zone with six big (but still cosy) rooms hosted presentations from different verticals, so participants from each industrial branch could have found something interesting for themselves. This formula let us attend only the talks we wanted to and skip the ones not so interesting for us and our business.
Even though we liked the congress part a lot and found some interesting presentations to listen to, our main area of interest turned out to be the expo area. Multiple companies with business or technological connections to the world of IoT were presenting their products and services, looking for customers as well as business partners.
We were happy to exchange quite a few business cards with potential partners. Most of them were interested mostly in creating interfaces for their existing IoT systems or platforms. Meaningful interfaces for IoT is something we love most. We're looking forward to learn more about their ideas and start some new fantastic IoT projects!
IoT Solution World Congress was a great place to get familiar with the most modern trends and product ideas. He met companies of all sizes: from huge corporations to small startups attempting to enter the market with their innovative products. If you ever dreamed of being a witness to Intel announcing their new processing unit - this event would be the right place for you! The brand new Atom E3900 was proudly announced by Jonathan Ballon, Vice-President at Intel and General Manager of its IoT Group. The chip itself, with its impressive processing power and innovative security features, looks like a fantastic extension of current hardware capabilities in the world of IoT. Just amazing.
The event itself was a great experience. It changed our perspective on the IoT market and revealed some big opportunities in B2B partnership. We were impressed by the Exhibit area and happy to participate in the fascinating and inspiring presentations. See you all there next year, as it’s definitely worth visiting!