Best practices for Ruby on Rails data migrations

Best practices for Ruby on Rails data migrations

In the software development world, we frequently interact with data. As our projects grow, it often becomes necessary to make changes to the data stored in production databases. That’s why data migrations in Ruby on Rails applications are so crucial for their maintenance and evolution. 

In the context of a Rails application, migration might involve a variety of tasks, such as

  • adding new columns to a table and populating them with values based on existing data,

  • moving data from one column to another,

  • generating new database records,

  • updating corrupted or invalid data,

  • removing obsolete or unnecessary data,

  • transforming existing data, such as changing date format or normalizing text case,

  • merging duplicate records

Handling data migrations in Rails can be challenging; that’s why we’ve decided to explore the best practices that will ensure a smooth transition and help maintain the integrity and performance of your application.

Defining data migrations in Rails

Data migrations involve modifying the existing data within a database and are often required to ensure it aligns with the current application requirements. For example, adding new columns or updating and transforming current data to accommodate new features.

Data migrations differ from database schema changes in Rails, designed to alter its structure (such as adding or removing tables or columns). Unlike schema migrations, data migrations deal with the actual data stored within these structures. They are often used when populating new table columns with values, updating existing data, or transforming existing data to adjust to the new features.   

While Rails provides robust support for schema migrations, the framework’s guidance on data migrations is less explicit. This ambiguity leaves developers with a decision: should data changes be included in schema migrations, or should they be handled separately?

In this article, we will explore data migration best practices in Rails applications, considering both each strategy's advantages and potential pitfalls.

Understanding Ruby on Rails migrations

When we talk about schema migrations, we refer to changes that alter the structure of the database. Examples of these changes include adding a new table, removing an outdated column, or changing the datatype of an existing field. Ruby on Rails migrations are powerful tools designed to simplify these tasks and integrate seamlessly into the deployment process.

Ruby on Rails framework follows a “convention over configuration” philosophy, simplifying many development tasks by providing sensible defaults and reducing the need for extensive configuration. This approach extends to migrations, where a set of conventions helps streamline the process. For example, Rails automatically generates migration files with timestamps to ensure that they are executed in the correct order.

Unfortunately, the Ruby on Rails documentation does not explicitly cover data migrations. This lack of guidance often makes developers ponder whether including data changes within schema migrations is appropriate. In the following sections, we will explore the implications of mixing data changes with schema migrations and discuss alternative approaches for handling data migrations.

Adding data changes to schema migrations

While Rails migrations are designed to modify the database schema, they can technically be used to alter data as well. However, there are important considerations to weigh before adopting this practice. By understanding the potential pitfalls and adopting best practices, developers can effectively make informed decisions on handling data migrations.

There are scenarios where including data changes in schema migrations can be convenient. For example, when adding a new column that requires backfilling data for existing records, performing the data update within the same migration file might seem efficient. This approach ensures the new column is immediately populated and ready for use.

Let’s use adding a counter cache column as an example:

class AddLikesCountToPosts < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
    def up
        add_column :posts, :likes_count, :integer, null: false, default: 0
        Post.find_each { |post| Post.reset_counters(, :likes) }

    def down
        remove_column :posts, :likes_count

Advantages of including data migrations in Rails migration files

Integrating data migrations within schema migration files offers several significant advantages that can streamline the development process making it easier to manage them consistently and reliably. However, it is important to balance these advantages with the potential drawbacks. Let’s explore some key benefits first:


Including data migrations within schema migrations can be highly convenient. Since the schema change and the corresponding data updates are encapsulated within the same migration file, the entire process is streamlined. It can be particularly beneficial when a new column is added and needs to be populated with data immediately. The single migration file ensures the database is consistent, with schema changes and data updates applied simultaneously.


Rails migrations provide a standardized way to manage database changes. By including data migrations in these files, developers leverage the existing Rails migration infrastructure, which offers versioning, rollback capabilities, and integration with the deployment process. This standardization ensures that database changes are applied consistently across different environments, reducing the risk of discrepancies between development, staging, and production databases.

Data integrity 

Rails migrations are transactional, meaning that all changes within a migration are applied atomically. If any part of the migration fails, the entire transaction is rolled back, leaving the database in its original state. It is crucial for maintaining data integrity in Rails, especially when performing complex data transformations. By including data changes in schema migrations, developers can ensure that both schema and data modifications are applied as a single atomic operation.

Continuous deployment

Incorporating data migrations within schema migrations aligns well with continuous deployment practices. During deployment, migrations are run automatically. This automation reduces the need for manual intervention and helps maintain a continuous delivery pipeline, where changes are deployed to production frequently and reliably.

These benefits can simplify the development and deployment process, making it easier to manage database changes in a consistent and reliable manner. However, it is important to balance these advantages with the potential drawbacks, which will be discussed in the next section.

Disadvantages of including data migrations in Rails migrations

While there are several substantial advantages to including data migrations within schema migrations, there are also a few notable challenges. They can impact the maintainability, performance, and reliability of your application. Understanding these drawbacks is crucial for making informed decisions when handling data migrations.

Increased deployment time

Data migrations can significantly increase the time required to deploy an application. If the data migration involves processing a large number of records, it can slow down the deployment process, leading to potential downtime. It can be a major drawback in scenarios where deployment speed is critical.

Transaction rollbacks

Rails migrations run within transactions by default. If a data migration fails, the entire transaction, including schema changes, is rolled back. It can result in unsuccessful deployments and necessitate troubleshooting and rerunning the migrations. The additional complexity of handling rollbacks can increase the risk of errors.


When custom code is included in migrations, it may become difficult to reverse these changes. Unlike schema changes, which can often be rolled back with a simple command, data migrations may require complex logic to undo. This irreversibility can pose challenges, especially when mistakes occur, or the data migration must be adjusted after deployment.

Violation of the single responsibility principle

Combining schema and data changes in a single migration violates the Single Responsibility Principle. Migrations are intended to handle schema changes, while data changes should be managed separately. Mixing the two can make migration files harder to read and maintain, increasing the cognitive load on developers and potentially leading to errors.

Code duplication

To ensure migrations run correctly even after models have been changed or deleted, developers may need to include “skeleton” model definitions within migration files or use pure SQL queries. It leads to code duplication and can lead to maintenance challenges.

Testability issues

The code included in migrations is challenging to test. Unlike regular application code, which can be covered by unit and integration tests, migration code runs only once during deployment. It may increase the risk of undetected bugs and errors in the migration logic.

Using temporary Rails rake tasks for data migrations

An alternative approach to embedding data changes within schema migrations is to use temporary rake tasks. Rake, which stands for “Ruby Make” is a program that enables you to define and run tasks through a command-line interface and automate repetitive and complex application management tasks. This method offers several advantages and might benefit your Rails application; however, it is not free of challenges.

Improved testability

One of the main advantages of using rake tasks for data migrations is the ability to test the migration code thoroughly. Unlike migrations, which are typically run only once, rake tasks can be executed multiple times in different environments. This allows developers to write unit tests and integration tests to ensure the data migration logic works correctly before applying it to the production database.

Separation of concerns

Rake tasks promote separating schema changes from data changes, adhering to the Single Responsibility Principle. By keeping these concerns separate, developers can maintain cleaner and more manageable codebases. Schema migrations focus on structural changes, while rake tasks handle the data transformations.

Flexibility and reusability

Rake tasks provide greater flexibility in how data migrations are executed. Developers can add features such as dry-run flags to simulate the migration process without making actual changes, allowing for safer and more controlled deployments. Additionally, once a rake task has served its purpose, it can be easily removed from the codebase, keeping the project clean and maintainable.

Explicit execution

Unlike migrations, which are automatically run during deployment, rake tasks must be explicitly executed. It ensures that data migrations are only run when the developer intends to do so, reducing the risk of accidental data changes. However, careful coordination during deployments is also required to apply all necessary data migrations.

Ensuring idempotency

Ensuring that the code is idempotent is crucial when writing rake tasks for data migrations. It means that running the task multiple times should produce the same result, avoiding issues such as duplicated data or sending multiple notifications to application users. Developers need to design the rake tasks to handle partial executions gracefully by checking for previously processed records or using database transactions.

Leveraging data migration gems

There are several gems that can help streamline the process for developers seeking a more structured and integrated approach to managing data migrations. These gems provide additional functionality and organization, making it easier to keep data changes separate from schema changes while maintaining the benefits of the Ruby on Rails migration system.


One of Rails's most popular gems for handling data migrations is the data_migrate gem. This gem extends the Rails migration system to support data migrations, offering a standardized way to manage data changes.

Key features:

  • Separate directory for data migrations: The data_migrate gem creates a dedicated directory for data migrations (db/data). This separation helps maintain a clear distinction between schema and data changes.

  • Timestamp management: Similar to schema migrations, data migrations are timestamped, and their execution status is tracked in the database. It ensures each data migration is run only once, providing consistency across different environments.

  • Integration with Rails tasks: Data migrations can be run using Rails tasks like schema migrations (rails data:migrate). This integration simplifies the deployment process and ensures data migrations are part of the standard workflow.

Other data migration gems

While the data_migrate gem is a popular choice for handling data migrations in Ruby on Rails applications, several other gems provide similar functionalities and might suit different needs or preferences. Here are a couple of noteworthy alternatives:


The rails-data-migrations gem offers a structured approach to handling data migrations separate from schema migrations. It allows you to create and manage data migrations using Rails' migration mechanisms, providing support for rollback and versioning. This gem helps maintain data integrity and consistency across environments by integrating smoothly with Rails' existing migration infrastructure. (GitHub Repository: rails-data-migrations)


Description: The nonschema_migrations gem is designed for cases where you need to handle data migrations separately from schema migrations. It enables the creation of migrations that only affect data without impacting the database schema. This gem can be useful for complex data transformations or updates requiring distinct management from schema changes, helping to separate data and schema migrations. (GitHub Repository: nonschema_migrations)

Benefits of using data migration gems

Leveraging data migration gems in Rails applications offers myriad benefits that streamline and enhance the process of managing data changes. These gems provide a structured, consistent, and integrated approach to data migrations, which is crucial for maintaining clean and maintainable codebases. Here are the key benefits:

  • Structured and consistent approach: Data migration gems enforce a standardized way of writing and executing migrations, which ensures that all developers follow the same practices, reducing the likelihood of errors and inconsistencies. It is especially beneficial for large projects with frequent or complex migrations.

  • Version control and rollbacks: Data migration gems often include features for version control, which allows developers to easily track changes and revert to previous states if necessary. This is crucial for managing complex data migrations.

  • Automated and repeatable migrations: Using migration gems, developers can automate the process of running and re-running migrations across different environments, which makes migrations repeatable and reliable.

  • Improved data integrity: Data migration gems often include built-in validations and checks to ensure that migrations do not violate data integrity constraints, providing quality and consistency of the data throughout the migration process.

  • Community and documentation: Popular data migration gems come with extensive documentation and community support, providing resources and examples to help developers implement best practices. This community-driven approach fosters continuous improvement and innovation in migration techniques.

Data migration best practices in Ruby on Rails

Data migrations are essential to maintaining and evolving a Ruby on Rails application. As Rails applications grow and develop, efficient data migrations become a necessity. We’ve discussed the most effective practices and tools available to ensure smooth migration of your Rails app. Choosing the right strategy depends on your project's specific needs and complexity.