
10-Year Long Journey with Vue.js: From Early Adopters to Official Partners

Joanna Staromiejska

In 2025, we're celebrating a remarkable milestone: Monterail's 10-year journey with Vue.js. What began with a group of passionate developers recognizing the potential of an emerging framework has evolved into a story of technical expertise and long-lasting relations with Vue.js community. In the meantime, Vue's has become one of the top three frontend frameworks globally, adopted by global companies like Adobe, Netflix, Xiaomi, and GitLab.

Over the past decade, Monterail has evolved from enthusiastic early adopters to official Vue.js partners. Delivering more than 30 successful Vue.js projects has built our position as industry leaders in Vue.js development.

As we approach the release of the 5th State of Vue Report at the world's largest Vue.js conference in Amsterdam, our journey comes full circle. Having one of our expert speaking at conference and moderating the discussion panel around the State of Vue results is a great honor and a sign of our decade-long commitment to the Vue.js ecosystem. 

Let’s go down memory lane and reminisce about this unique Monterail and Vue relationship.

Early Days with Vue.js Development

Vue.js was created in 2014 by Evan You and we came across it a year later when searching for a viable alternative to AngularJS and React. After some months of research, Damian Dulisz, a front-end developer at the time (and later a core Vue team member), found Vue to fit perfectly with Monterail’s technologies stack. Our team had extensive experience with Angular which made picking up Vue a breeze. 

While others were still exploring traditional solutions, our team of enthusiasts quickly became early adopters, integrating Vue.js into our development stack just a year after its inception. Being an early adopter can be risky since it means dedicating resources to something not yet proven. However, this early commitment wasn't just about adopting new technology but about believing in Vue's potential to transform front-end development.

Vue.js Partnership Over Years

Monterail Partnership with Vue_Vue_development

First Vue Conf & State of Vue 2017 & 2019

Vue.js is very much a community effort rather than the product of a few individuals’ efforts. That’s not to shortchange Evan You, the man behind the code. But there is a whole crowd of developers working hard on a range of developments, refinements, and tweaks. As a way to start giving back to the community, we decided to venture out and we hosted the first-ever international Vue.js conference—right here in Wrocław. 17 speakers, including Evan You, Sarah Drasner, and Sean Larkin gathered over 300 attendees from around the world to celebrate Vue.  

We created the first State of Vue report in 2017. The idea was to spread the word about Vue while simultaneously showcasing use cases to potential clients.  We surveyed over 1,100 specialists from 88 countries to find out their experiences with Vue, and what they like and dislike about it most. We dug even deeper and interviewed six companies on what problems they wanted to solve with Vue.js.

The first State of Vue.js report was downloaded over 8,000 times by people from all around the world. The NPS (net promoter score) from that edition equaled 8.3 which is an amazing score for a book like that. It was apparent that such a report was needed and we thought it would be a good idea to develop it further and updated from time to time so two year later, we delivered the Updated State of Vue 2019. The revised edition included new case studies and stories of companies interviewed in the previous edition and well as the new survey about Vue for developers and CTOs. 

Download the report

VueJS Amsterdam 2021 & Vue for Business 2021

Vue conf in 2017 was the beginning of our journey with Vue conferences. In 2021, our team took part in the biggest Vue-conference in the world - VueJS Amsterdam. Our then Head of Technology, Tomasz Kania-Orzeł presented alongside Evan You himself and other expert panel members in a discussion about the future of Vue.js. It was awesome to take part in such a huge conference and, to be honest, there were a lot of firsts for us. Camera equipment, recording and editing, and presenting remotely at a conference are not without its challenges.

Monterail’s Vue experts contributed in part of the Evan You’s video presenting the findings of the SOV2021 report which was packed with stats, expert interviews, surveys, and info about the newly released Vue 3.0 that spreads over 100 pages of material. This time we also prepared a separate business-oriented version of the report. 

State of Vue Reports 2021

VueJS Amsterdam 2022 & State of Vue 2022

We liked it very much in Amsterdam so the year we returned even stronger. The 2022 edition of VueJS Amsterdam was more significant as well–over 2,000 people from over 50 countries attended the 2 full days of talks. This time we had not only one but two presenters! Tomasz Kania-Orzeł hosted the talk "Five Things to Move Your Web App to The Web3 Universe", and Artur Rosa shared his Developer Romance with the framework. 

In 2022, we also curated the State of Vue 2022, especially for the conference in Amsterdam. This report showed how Vue can solve interesting development challenges, how it has changed since the last update, and what experts say about their experience with this framework.

 Artur Rosa, Joanna Staromiejska and Tomasz Kania-Orzeł–Monterail's Representatives at VueJS Amsterdam 2022

2023: Monterail became the official Vue.js Partners

Vue.js Meetup is back - April 2022

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have wanted (badly!) to organize an offline event for the Vue.js community and the right moment has finally come. After two long years, together with Vue.js Poland, we were able to organize a meetup with four excellent Vue.js experts: 

  • Carlos Rodrigues - Vue.js Core Team Member

  • Szymon Licau - Frontend Principal Engineer at Monterail

  • Filip Rakowski - Co-founder/CTO of Vue Storefront 

  • Daniel Roe - Nuxt Team Core Member

To reach as many Vue.js enthusiasts as possible, we held this event in a hybrid model: in our office in Wrocław and online. You can watch these four talks right now. Enjoy this great knowledge!

Vue Bootcamp

In April 2022 we organized the Monterail Vue Bootcamp which was already our third Monterail bootcamp. Since we have used (and loved) Vue for years now so it was high time to share what we learned with others.  It was hugely important for us to also cover topics like project teamwork and estimations. We also wanted to show best practices of our Monterail way of coding, quality assurance, and client communication.

2023–All About Migration to Vue 3

Since Vue 2 reached its End of Life on December 31st, 2023, many businesses faced the challenge of migrating their applications to the new Vue 3 version. It was a hard nut to crack for many, so we decided to leverage our Vue.js knowledge and deliver a few helpful initiatives around Vue 3 migration.

In February 2023, we organized a technical panel with Monterail's Frontend Principal Engineer, Frontend Architect, and Head of Technology to discuss critical aspects of Vue migration strategy based on real enterprise projects.

Meetup in October 2023 

A few months later, we decided to organize an event dedicated to Vue 2 to 3 migration process. Harald Hersted, Systems Engineering Concept Specialist at Systems Engineering, and Mateusz Michałowski, who works as a Principal Frontend Engineer at Monterail, were the speakers at the Vue event in October 2023. They discussed migration process in practice, its importance and shared lessons learned from Vue 3 migration case studies.

We also launched a series of articles on our blog on how to move Vue2 to Vue3. We asked our experts about when and how to upgrade a Vue application and created a handy material for companies dealing with migration challenges.

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2024: Monterail became the official Nuxt Partner

Successful Vue.js development since 2015

Since adding Vue.js to our official technology stack we have had plenty of opportunities to utilize it in partnership with our clients. Vue has proved to be a wonderful framework appreciated by both clients and developers alike.

Since 2015, we've harnessed the power of Vue.js to deliver exceptional digital solutions across various industries. Our portfolio showcases a variety of projects where Vue.js played a pivotal role in achieving our clients' objectives. We can't wait for more innovative and meaningful Vue projects in the future!

Source: Extradom case study, Gradido case study

Extradom Vue.js case study
Gradido Vue.js case study

Looking to the future with Vue.js

From its humble beginnings as a promising project to its current position as one of the most influential frontend frameworks, Vue.js has undergone a remarkable transformation. Throughout this evolution, Monterail has been an active participant—learning, contributing, and evolving alongside the framework. As software developers and digital product creators, we're impressed by Vue's ability to evolve while maintaining its core principles of simplicity and approachability.

This decade-long journey has been full of invaluable experiences, learning and gaining technical expertise. During this time, we managed to help multiple companies leverage Vue.js possibilities and succeed. We've built long-lasting relations with the community members. We curated tons of content around Vue and we're still hungry for more. It’s been a great ride with Vue so far and we're excited to see what the next decade will bring. - Hubert Białęcki, CTO at Monterail

P.S The year 2025 looks promising for strengthening Monterail's partnership with Vue.js. We're weeks ahead of launching the State of Vue 2025 report during the biggest conference in the world–VueJS Amsterdam in March. Besides presenting the results of the State of Vue.js Survey, we're going to have our Monterail expert, Vue.js influencer and Nuxt team member in one – Jakub Andrzejewski, moderate the discussion panel about SoV and give his own talk as well. We're also working on a knowledge-sharing initiative that's going to be issued really soon.

Stay tuned for more exciting news about Vue.js and Monterail cooperation!

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