Top 6 Use Cases of React Native: Why Leading Companies Use It in 2024

Top 6 Use Cases of React Native: Why Leading Companies Use It in 2024

Major companies such as Facebook, Instagram, Shopify, and Discord use React Native, further enhanced by a large and active community. With nearly 2,400 respondents participating in the 2023 State of React Native survey, it remains among the two most popular frameworks for cross-platform mobile app development. Given the recent updates, this trend shows no signs of reversing. But why use React Native? What makes this technology still so widely adopted by leading businesses?

Why Cross-Platform Development Makes Business Sense

Before delving into React Native development use cases and technical details, let's consider the broader business perspective. As it’s the business factors that make cross-platform development a reasonable, cost-effective, and time-efficient approach to building mobile apps. With a single codebase running across various platforms, developers can target iOS, Android, and web browsers, dramatically reducing development time and costs.

Cross-platform development creates software applications that can run on multiple operating systems and devices using a single codebase. This strategy aims to maximize efficiency and reach by allowing developers to write code once and deploy it across various platforms, such as iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and web browsers.

The core idea behind cross-platform mobile apps is to leverage frameworks, tools, and programming languages that abstract away platform-specific differences, enabling developers to focus on building their applications' core functionality.

The cross-platform approach offers several clear benefits:

  • Reduced development time and costs: Developers can write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms, eliminating the need for separate teams or longer development cycles for each platform.

  • Easier maintenance of a single codebase: Updates, bug fixes, and new features can be implemented in one place, simplifying the maintenance process and ensuring consistency across all versions.

  • Consistent user experience across platforms: Users encounter similar interfaces and functionality regardless of their device, leading to improved user satisfaction and reduced learning curve.

However, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Historically, it has come with challenges such as potential performance trade-offs, limitations in accessing platform-specific features, and balancing code reuse with platform-specific optimizations. This is where React Native development excels—offering near-native performance while maintaining the cost-saving benefits of code reuse.

Popular cross-platform frameworks include React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, and Ionic. Each framework addresses these challenges uniquely. Ultimately, the choice of framework often depends on the project's specific requirements, the team's expertise, and the target platforms.

The Origins of React Native

Let's start with basic explanations and shed some light on RN's origins. It all began with Facebook's decision to build its mobile app using HTML5, which quickly turned out to be a mistake, limiting the possibilities for performance improvements. Yet, instead of backtracking and resorting to native technologies, a Facebook employee named Jordan Walke found a method of generating UI elements for iOS apps using JavaScript.

That was the breakthrough. Until recently, JavaScript was associated exclusively with web-based technology and proved to be much more versatile than expected. Facebook had no intention of missing this opportunity. The company initially developed React Native for iOS, followed up with Android support, and then launched the framework to the public. In 2015, React Native was made open source, revolutionizing cross-platform mobile apps by allowing developers to write mobile applications using JavaScript, specifically leveraging the JSX syntax.

React Native now boasts 119,000 stars and 24,300 forks on GitHub. Although surpassed by Flutter, it still holds a solid 12th position in popularity among developers.

What Makes React Native Unique?

React Native was a real breakthrough, not only because it allowed developers to create native applications using JavaScript. The framework's core strength lies in JSX, a syntax extension that introduces an intuitive way to define user interfaces, seamlessly bridging the gap between JavaScript code and native UI components.

Unlike some cross-platform frameworks that rely on web views, JSX in React Native compiles to actual native UI components. This approach results in better performance and a more authentic native look and feel for the app. Developers' JSX code is transformed into the appropriate native UI elements for iOS and Android, ensuring the app behaves and appears as users expect on each platform.

React Native stands out in cross-platform development for several key reasons:

  • Native components: React Native uses actual native UI components, providing a truly native look and feel, unlike some other frameworks that use web views.

  • Performance: It offers near-native performance by leveraging the device's GPU and allowing for native code integration where needed.

  • Code reusability: Developers can reuse a large portion of code between iOS and Android platforms, typically around 60-80%.

  • Hot reloading: This feature allows developers to see changes in real-time without rebuilding the entire app, speeding up the development process.

  • Large community and ecosystem: React Native benefits from a vast community of developers and a rich ecosystem of third-party libraries and tools.

React Native vs Flutter: Which to Choose?

A common debate in cross-platform mobile app development is React Native vs. Flutter. While Flutter offers its own advantages, such as a highly customizable UI framework, React Native remains the more mature and widely adopted option. It is backed by Facebook and supported by a large community. Businesses can leverage this expansive ecosystem for better support, faster development, and a proven track record; hence, when looking for an app development company, the choice frequently falls on React Native development.

Top React Native Use Cases in 2024

React Native continues to gain traction as a versatile framework for mobile app development. It enables developers to build robust, high-performance, cross-platform mobile apps for iOS and Android using a single codebase. We’ve already explored the most innovative examples of React Native Apps. Now, let's dive deeper into specific use cases where React Native truly shines, demonstrating its wide range of capabilities across various business sectors.

React Native for Social Media Apps

React Native's ability to handle dynamic content loading, live news feeds, instant messaging, and real-time notifications makes it particularly well-suited for the demands of modern social networking apps.

It allows developers to create smooth-scrolling feeds, fluid animations, and responsive user interfaces—all crucial elements for engaging social media experiences. Additionally, React Native's component-based architecture facilitates the creation of reusable UI elements, which is particularly beneficial for social media apps with repeating content structures such as posts, comments, and user profiles.

Furthermore, React Native's cross-platform nature enables developers to maintain a consistent user experience while adhering to platform-specific design guidelines. This reduces development time and costs and simplifies maintenance and updates. 

Examples of Social Media Apps Built with React Native:

  • Facebook: As the creator of React Native, Facebook uses it extensively in their main app, especially for features like Marketplace.

  • Instagram: Owned by Meta (formerly Facebook), Instagram utilizes React Native for various UI elements and features.

  • Pinterest: This visual discovery engine uses React Native to provide a seamless platform experience.

  • Discord: While primarily known for its gaming community, Discord is a social networking app that uses React Native for its mobile version.

  • Skype: Microsoft's communication platform leverages React Native for its mobile app.

React Native for eCommerce Apps

React Native's component-based architecture and rich ecosystem of libraries designed explicitly for eCommerce functionality enable rapid development of features crucial for online shopping, such as product catalogs, shopping carts, and payment gateways. The React Native development company scene has also grown, with more agencies specializing in creating robust eCommerce solutions.

Also, the framework's hot reloading feature and strong community support contribute to faster development cycles and easier maintenance, allowing eCommerce platforms to stay agile in a competitive market.

Examples of eCommerce Apps Built with React Native:

  • Walmart: By rebuilding with React Native, Walmart achieved performance improvements and streamlined its development process. The ability to reuse 95% of their codebase across iOS and Android platforms led to faster development cycles and a more consistent user experience.

  • Shopify: Shopify leveraged React Native to enhance its merchant-facing mobile app and point-of-sale system. This strategic move allowed for seamless integration between online and offline sales channels, providing merchants with a unified platform to manage their business across various touchpoints. 

  • By utilizing React Native, developed a robust mobile application that caters to the fast-paced nature of the delivery industry, ensuring a smooth user experience across different devices and platforms.

  • Easyship: Easyship is a robust shipping platform that facilitates eCommerce logistics by connecting sellers with various courier services. Launched in Hong Kong, it has expanded to Singapore and other regions, including Canada and Australia.

React Native for Travel Apps

React Native can handle the complex requirements of modern travel applications, from real-time booking systems to interactive maps and personalized recommendations. Its support for geolocation services is fundamental to many travel app functionalities, such as finding nearby attractions or providing navigation. The result is a consistent user experience across multiple devices without sacrificing native app performance.

Examples of successful travel apps built with React Native include:

  • Airbnb: Used React Native for parts of their app, benefiting from its cross-platform capabilities.

  • Adopted React Native for their mobile app, leveraging its ability to handle large amounts of data and provide real-time updates.

  • Skyscanner: Utilized React Native to create a consistent user experience across different devices for flight and hotel bookings.

React Native for Streaming Apps

React Native is an excellent choice for building streaming apps because it delivers high-performance, cross-platform experiences with efficient development cycles. The framework's component-based architecture allows developers to create responsive and intuitive user interfaces that can handle real-time data streams smoothly. React Native's integration with native modules enables access to device-specific features crucial for streaming, such as camera and microphone inputs. 

Examples of successful multimedia and streaming apps built with React Native include:

  • SoundCloud: The popular audio streaming platform uses React Native for its mobile app.

  • Twitch: The live streaming platform for gamers has parts of its mobile app built with React Native.

  • Hulu: The video streaming service uses React Native in its mobile app.

React Native for Fitness and Health Tracking

React Native allows for seamless integration with device sensors and wearable technologies, enabling efficient collection and analysis of health data. With React Native, developers can efficiently implement a wide range of features, including personalized workout plans, nutrition tracking, sleep analysis, etc, and develop healthcare apps. By offering real-time data analysis and a consistent experience across devices, React Native development ensures that fitness apps meet user demands for both functionality and performance.

A prime example of React Native's effectiveness in this domain is Gyroscope, a holistic health-tracking app. By leveraging React Native, Gyroscope delivers a smooth, cross-platform experience that aggregates data from various sources to provide users with personalized health insights.

This approach enhances user experience and streamlines development across different platforms, making React Native an ideal choice for creating sophisticated health and fitness applications.

Example of a successful wellbeing app built with React Native:

  • October Health is a mental health platform designed to provide proactive and reactive care, improving workplace performance and employee well-being. It aims to democratize access to mental health services, offering tools that help individuals manage their mental health effectively.

React Native for Finance Apps

React Native is great for finance apps as they frequently require updates to comply with regulations or add new features. The modular nature of React Native makes it simpler to update specific parts of the app without affecting the entire codebase. Additionally, this architecture allows for easier isolation of sensitive components, such as those handling authentication or encryption, thereby enhancing the overall security of the app.

Moreover, the modular structure simplifies the integration of third-party services and APIs, which is often necessary for comprehensive financial applications. Performance optimization becomes more manageable as developers can fine-tune specific modules without impacting the entire app, which is essential for finance apps dealing with real-time data and complex calculations. 

Examples of successful finance apps built with React Native include:

  • Bloomberg: Their mobile app, which provides comprehensive financial news and real-time market data, is built with React Native.

  • Coinbase: This popular cryptocurrency exchange app was rewritten from scratch using React Native in 2021, demonstrating the framework's capability to handle complex financial transactions and real-time data.

React Native: The Framework of Choice for High-Performance Apps

React Native has become a popular choice for cross-platform mobile app development. Its ability to reduce development time and costs while maintaining a consistent user experience across platforms has made it a popular choice. 

Its use of real native UI components, combined with JavaScript, allows apps to perform well and feel native on both iOS and Android, enhancing user satisfaction. With a single codebase, react Native helps businesses efficiently manage updates, ensuring quick deployment and easier maintenance. Backed by strong community support and a rich ecosystem of libraries, it is the go-to solution for companies looking to build high-quality apps that reach a broad audience.