The State of Vue.js Report 2025 is now available! Case studies, key trends and community insights.
We couldn’t be more excited that the fifth edition of the State of Vue Report 2025 is finally here! From first discovering Vue in 2015 to becoming official Vue & Nuxt Partners, the report marks our decade-long commitment to the Vue.js ecosystem. As in previous editions, it was created in collaboration with Evan You, and now the Vue and Nuxt Core Team also contributed.
The essential part was co-created by the Vue community. We asked more than 1,400 professionals how they use Vue and Nuxt, their challenges, and what improvements they'd like to see. The top highlights of the survey were presented during the world’s biggest Vue conference, Vue.js Amsterdam.
The fun doesn’t stop here. A dedicated discussion panel with Vue experts followed the report launch. Evan You, Daniel Roe, Daniel Kelly, Louëlla Creemers, and Alexander Lichter shared their thoughts and advice on the challenges and problems Vue and Nuxt developers face nowadays. We quizzed them about the Developer Survey results as well. Here are the most important takeaways!
Migration to Vue 3 is still a challenge
96% of the survey participants have been working with Vue 3.x. Meaning that still over 35% have used Vue 2.7.x version in their project in the last 12 months. What’s more, over 25% of developers reported experiencing challenges when migrating older projects from Vue 2 to Vue 3. It has also been a topic of the discussion panel. Here’s what our experts said when asked “What do you recommend to someone who is migrating their Vue app?”
Evan You: “One of the greatest benefits of upgrading now compared to three years ago is how Vue 3 ecosystem has matured immensely. We have tons of UI component solutions including the newly released Nuxt UI3. There are a lot of community members who make tremendous changes with their work. For example, there is now an implementation based on what was originally framework motion–it’s now a standalone motion project. Its core is framework agnostic so someone has importing like framework motion essentially to Vue.
Many things that people used to say, like “Oh, we have it it React, but it doesn’t exist in Vue,” is becoming no longer relevant. We’re filling the gap for the Vue 3 ecosystem.
That’s probably the most convincing argument if you have a project that you want to maintain for the long run and you want to keep adding new things to it. Weigh the cost against the benefits of migrating to Vue 3. Answer yourself if you intend to maintain this for the long run. If that’s something just working and requires very little maintenance, you should probably leave it on Vue 2.
If you want to upgrade, start with a compound build. From our experience, the biggest blocker usually is the usage of third-party dependencies that have hard coupling with Vue 2 internals. If you don’t have anything like that, then it should be relatively easy with the compund build. We really tried to make it as close to Vue 2 behavior as possible.
Alexander Lichter: “You should ask yourself, do you actually have to? Do you still maintain the project? do you need to add new features? It’s also okay not to change anything if you don’t really need to. That’s the first thing. Otherwise–do your research, especially if upgrading from Vue 2 to Vue 3. The core is not the problem–it’s more about what comes with that, like Vite, right? Check which packages are available if there are replacement packages, or new major versions; if there’s no replacement, maybe create your own.
Nowadays, the ecosystem has caught up quite well. So, make a little table to see how much you can match and which components can stay intact. Don’t start options API to Composition API straight away; do it later. These are the rules I usually follow.
Daniel Kelly: "If you look at Vue 2 and Vue 3 and you compare not just the core library but also all best practices to what there was before, and you say, “My Vue migration also has to include Vuex to Pinia, UCLI to Vite, options API to composition API.”–that’s not true. You don’t have to do it all at once. Sometimes, you don’t have to do it at all. Take the process slowly. The way I found it the easiest was Vue CLI to Vite process.
Unless you have a lot of custom-like Webpack things going on, you can do it in an hour for many projects. Take it small steps at a time."
Daniel Roe: "I completely agree with breaking bigger tasks into smaller pieces. They’re so encompassing; it’s one ecosystem to another ecosystem. The best practice is splitting that out into separate PRs. It makes a big difference. It’s also possible to break your app sort of vertically. If you have a set of roots that you can migrate to a new app or a Vue 3 version of your app and then apply like a hard barrier in the router that detects navigation across the barrier and forces a hard reload, you can actually deploy Vue 2 and Vue 3 apps at the same time. Obviously, that’s for particularly large projects."
Vue.js is a top choice for well-established brands
Hack the Box, Gitlab, Storyblok, Booksy, Docplanner–what do these companies have in common? They also chose Vue.js at one point in their history and they recommend it. These companies operate internationally, employ thousands of people and their applications are used by millions. We had a pleasure to interview these brands and find out why they use Vue and how it helped them in their road to success.
Vue’s performance, flexibility, simplicity and strong community support were among the reasons companies across different industries and application types decided to leverage this framework. The adoption of Vue has brought them significant benefits, from accelerating development cycles and high customisation to improved developer productivity. Vue has demonstrated its capability to solve complex performance challenges, interactivity issues, and transform legacy systems. Let’s hear them out:
Would you like to know how Vue.js helped these companies solve various business problems? Check out the whole chapter about scaling with Vue in the latest State of Vue.js report.
Once Vue, (almost) always Vue
Throughout the years, the vast majority of people who have tried Vue for the first time, decided to stick with for other projects in the future. It’s no different today. Over 93% of all respondents said they would use Vue.js again. It’s a four percentage points increase when compared to 2021. Moreover, 80% of all developers is now strongly convinced about the choice for their next project while in 2021, only 74% were that committed to Vue.
Vue.js was created to make programming more enjoyable. No wonder so many developers and businesses want to use it again!
A power shift in Vue.js tooling
A power shift happened in Vue ecosystem! Pinia has dominated the scene, with 80% of developers turning to it for their global state management needs. Meanwhile, the former champion from 2021, Vuex, has tumbled to 38.4% usage. No wonder, Pinia is now the officially recommended state management solution for Vue applications, replacing Vuex. It also offers excellent TypeScript integration with autocompletion and type safety.
Speaking of Typescript, it has also exploded in popularity. Sitting in third place with just 38% of developers in its corner in 2021, it's now skyrocketed to become the number one choice for a massive 82% of the community.
The shift from Vuex to Pinia and strong Typescript position represent the Vue ecosystem's evolution toward more developer-friendly tools that align with modern JavaScript practices. All of it while still maintaining what developers love most about Vue–simplicity and flexibility.
Nuxt is the next big thing
Last but not least, Nuxt is the star of the State of Vue.js 2025! It’s the first time that we have not only mentioned Nuxt in the official report but also dedicated a chapter and survey to it!
According to it 68% of respondents have used Nuxt in their Vue projects in the last twelve months and over 80% would use it again.
The Nuxt chapter created by the Nuxt Core Team provides unique content about their road to Nuxt v3 and shared their plans about the release of Nuxt 4. It also includes nine amazing case studies showcasing how the framework can be used for various projects across different industries. From the biggest to the leading real estate listing platform in the Netherlands to the Web AR app promote latest Pearl Jam album. That’s what Nuxt is capable of!
"The migration to Nuxt.js represents a strategic evolution in Directus' architecture, enhancing both development and user experience while preserving the platform's fundamental commitment to customization and extensibility."
Rijk van Zanten, CTO and Co-Founder of Directus
Monterail x Vue - A decade of growth
Throughout our 10-year commitment to Vue, we’ve supported the Vue community in many ways —but THIS is big. Over the last few months, The Monterail team led by Szymon Licau, Engineering Manager, translated the Vue official docs to Polish to make them more accessible to the Polish audience!
From its humble beginnings as a promising project to its position as one of the most popular frontend frameworks, Vue.js has undergone a remarkable transformation. Monterail has actively participated in this evolution—learning, contributing, and evolving alongside the framework. Finally becoming official Vue.js and Nuxt partners with over 40 successful Vue projects.
As the first VueConf organizers and passionate Vue evangelists, we pride ourselves on our Vue.js expertise and passion for the framework since 2015.
And now proudly leave you with your definitive guide to the present and future of Vue.js and Nuxt. In the State of Vue.js Report 2025 you will also find exclusive interview with Evan You about the future of the framework and his latest venture, Void Zero. There's also an analysis of many trusted sources, key trends in Vue.js education and community growth. The chapter 6 will walk you through Monterail’s real-world insights from completed projects, explore the Vue 3 migration challenges and solutions, and share best practices.
Here’s your clear view on Vue. Enjoy!