react js illustration what is react.js used for top application examples

What is React.js Used For: Top 10 Examples

Kaja Grzybowska

React.js, a frontend-focused JS library used mainly for building single-page and multi-page interfaces, is one of the most popular programming technologies worldwide, and the number of companies reaching out to it proves its solid position. Read about React-based web entities and find out by yourself about the broad capabilities of React. 

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Even though the programming landscape is ever-changing, a few technologies seem to be entrenched in their positions and remain resilient to any turbulence. We've got Python that, despite the years, is still "in-demand" with its robust ecosystem of libraries and multitasking character; there is Ruby - not so sexy anymore but still appreciated, and Java that needs no introduction but React.js deserves a special mention, according to the 2023 edition of Stack Overflow Developer Survey.

This React.js library (40.58%) has overtaken jQuery (21.98%) to become the second most-used web framework, with Node.js (42.65%) leading the pack. It's listed alongside Express (19.28%), Angular (17.46%), and Vue.js (16.38%).

Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 08.31.02Source: Stack Overflow Survey 2023

The popularity of React among developers translates into its business appreciation. Following the hunch of their IT departments, numerous companies chose Reach.js as their basic front-end technology. They had millions of reasons for that that go beyond the overall developer experience React.js provides. 

React.js is rarely described as "easy to learn." Yes, it is flexible, extendable, and friendly, yet not so much for newbies. As it is more a library than a framework, there are not many strongly opinionated rules for using it. Developers can mold it, play with it, and test the new approaches, but the experience is needed to be fluent with React capabilities. However, it is still worth gaining it since the demand for React developers has been growing steadily in recent years, and there is no sign of changing that trend.

Read more: What is React.js and when to choose it for app development

The Business Advantages of React.js


In modern applications, the frontend layer should be easily manipulatable to keep up with the users' needs and add the most desired features quickly. When every UI component is unique, it can be tricky. To tackle this challenge, React.js enables developers to build reusable UI components. Thanks to them, managing the UI layer is easy. Moreover, the components can be reused to create a new app having the same functionalities, thus, reducing the development effort.

SEO- and UX-friendliness

React.js favors building lightweight and performative apps, and that factor is crucial both for user experience improvement and SEO. App performance had become one of the main ranking factors for Google when the search engine made Google Core Web Vitals more essential and using React.js ensures that the render is performed way faster than in other frameworks. Hence, the app works at lightning speed. 

Strong support

React, one of the most popular JS frameworks, is used by Facebook, Netflix, Yahoo, Codecademy, Dropbox, Airbnb, Asana, Microsoft, Slack, and many more. Even though React's nature demands mixing visual elements with logic (JSX) which may be confusing for beginners, thanks to the highly vivid community gathered around this library; its learning curve is flattened.

Top 7 Examples of React.js Applications

1. Facebook and React.js

Facebook could not be missing among the companies that use this particular framework within its codebase, as it was a "home" for this library and still supports its development. Of course, it is not the only technology used by this social-media behemoth, but in the Facebook webpage, React serves as a massive part of the script blended in the codebase. 

2. Instagram and React.js

As the pearl in Facebook's crown, Instagram also benefits from React in numerous features such as geolocations, Google Maps APIs, search engines,s and so on. However, in 2016, Instagram started switching to React Native to accelerate pushing new features on both IOS and Android versions. 

3. Dropbox and React.js

Dropbox was looking for a tech stack that could create an excellent UX experience, and it bet on React because of the benefits like smaller file sizes and faster reloading speeds. Moreover, React.js provides online backup solutions and cloud-based storage, which mattered in that specific use case.

4. Discord and React.js

Discord, a platform dedicated initially to gamers to enable them to interact, also harnesses React.js, which is responsible for almost 98% of Discord code. The platform chose React mainly because of its great UI-building capacity. 

5. Netflix and React.js

Netflix chose React to build its user interface because React's component-based architecture allows Netflix to create reusable UI elements, enhancing code efficiency and maintainability. The virtual DOM feature enables quick rendering of changes, crucial for Netflix's dynamic content delivery. Additionally, React's declarative syntax simplifies the development process, making it easier for Netflix's team to understand, reason with, and debug their code. Given all of these and other advantages of React, Netflix has been able to create a smooth, responsive user experience across various devices and platforms, and handle its vast library of content without compromising on speed or interactivity. 

6. Pinterest and React.js

Pinterest, a picture- and recently also a video-sharing platform, as every social media app must have an impeccable UX, and no wonder this one also bet on React.js.

7. The New York Times and React.js

New York Times uses React.js in its web service to create a more immersive user experience. The publisher, one of the few able to monetize its paywalled content successfully, was deeply aware of how much UX matters in driving readers' loyalty and chose React as the technology with the most vital capacity to shape superb UX. 

The New York Times also developed a separate entity based entirely on React.js. The app, called the Red Carpet Project, allows users to simulate various looks of celebrities on the red carpet and utilizes React as the most "lightweight, powerful, a battle-tested library for building user interfaces with JavaScript.

8. Airbnb and React.js

Airbnb's extensive use of React has enabled them to build a complex, interactive, and responsive user interface that serves millions of users globally. Airbnb's commitment to React goes beyond mere utilization; they have made substantial contributions to the React ecosystem, most notably through their widely adopted Airbnb React/JSX Style Guide. 

This style guide, open-sourced by Airbnb, has become a cornerstone resource for React developers worldwide. It provides comprehensive best practices and guidelines for generating high-quality React code, covering crucial aspects such as basic rules, component structure, and props usage. The guide advocates for consistent use of JSX syntax and offers recommendations on when to use class components versus stateless functional components.

9. Reddit and React.js

By utilizing React for its front-end user interface, Reddit has been able to create a dynamic and responsive platform that efficiently handles the sharing and discussion of vast amounts of content, including features like comment threads, voting systems, and content feeds. 

React's efficient rendering capabilities have been key in maintaining strong performance despite the high traffic and constant user engagement.

10. PayPal and React.js

PayPal has developed and maintains official React components for integrating PayPal payments into React applications. These tools enable developers to easily incorporate PayPal checkout functionality into their React applications.

Is There Any Drawback to Using React?

React.js - as one-third of the Holy JS Trinity - can be used in all kinds of large and small applications from various sectors. Health and fitness apps praise its flexibility in building UI layer as they can wrap features such as exercising & self-care plans, training programs, workouts, and food & dieting charts within a friendly dashboard; cybersecurity uses it because it is updated regularly to check security vulnerabilities; finance sector praises React's data visualization capacity; education - when it moved online - appreciates it for potential in creating e-learning platforms that provide users with an interactive experience. 

However, although React has multiple advantages, it also has some drawbacks that need to be considered. With its flexibility, React demands expertise in using pure JavaScript and other JS frameworks. Otherwise, getting the most out of its potential will be hard.


As the above examples prove, React.js is the library eagerly chosen for app development, where the UX layer and developer-experience serves as the crucial success factor. The performance, speed, ability to add new features in real-time, flexibility and scalability, and - last but not least - the developers' support were the main advantages of using React.js.

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Kaja Grzybowska
Kaja Grzybowska is a journalist-turned-content marketer specializing in creating content for software houses. Drawing on her media background in research and her talent for simplifying complex technical concepts, she bridges the gap between tech and business audiences.