What is Ruby on Rails and why it still matters in 2024

Ruby on Rails has evolved alongside the industry, supported by major companies such as Airbnb, GitHub, and Shopify, which have continued to rely on Rails for over two decades, contributing to its growth. What enables this two-decade-old framework—considered advanced in the fast-paced technology industry—to remain relevant? Let’s explore the key architectural concepts that sustain its success.

Ruby on rails architecture what is ruby on rails

Ruby on Rails. How did it start?

Ruby on Rails, commonly referred to as Rails, was created in 2004 by David Heinemeier Hansson during his work on Basecamp, a project management tool developed by 37signals (now Basecamp).

Hansson's primary motivation was to facilitate rapid web application development, which was cumbersome and slow with the existing tools of the time. With a background in business rather than computer science—a field that was, at the time, very "math-heavy"—Hansson aimed to create a more user-friendly and efficient development framework.

I don't consider myself a computer engineer. I consider myself a software writer. That's a completely different paradigm and self-perception.

- David Heinemeier Hansson, Ruby On Rails, And What Came After It, Swisspreneur

Hansson designed Rails to provide sensible defaults and conventions, reducing the number of decisions Ruby on Rails developers needed to make. By automating repetitive tasks and minimizing boilerplate code, Rails allowed developers to focus more on writing the unique parts of their application that embody their ideas and—in general—boosted productivity significantly. 

Rails is built on Ruby, a general-purpose programming language that David Heinemeier Hansson deeply admired.

Ruby really changed my trajectory as a programmer. Programming stopped being just a tool but something I could really see myself doing in the long term.

All code in a Rails application is ultimately Ruby code. Rails leverages Ruby’s object-oriented nature, expressive syntax, and developer-friendly principles to create a powerful tool for building web applications.

Ruby on Rails: Proven framework continues to deliver strong value

Ruby on Rails remains a relevant and widely used framework for web development in 2024 despite declining popularity from its peak years. According to the 2024 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, it ranks 20th in popularity and no longer leads web development trends as it once did.

So, what led to this significant drop in popularity? In truth, it’s essentially a matter of time.

  • Firstly, Rails has transitioned from being the "new kid on the block" to a mature, market-proven solution used by major brands such as Shopify, GitHub, and Dropbox.

  • Secondly, it was supplanted by modern solutions—particularly Node.js—as developers increasingly favored the idea of using JavaScript for both front-end and back-end development.

  • Thirdly, the rise of microservices architecture shifted focus toward more scalable technologies better suited to this paradigm, while Rails, designed as a monolithic framework, has also not kept pace.

Despite these factors, there are compelling reasons to consider Rails. It remains a mature and stable technology that—though often overlooked—is still evolving, addressing performance and scalability concerns and embracing modern front-end practices. Ruby on Rails development services offer significant value, particularly for businesses prioritizing rapid development and robust, maintainable codebases.

Read more about Rails features that make it such a popular framework choice: Why choose Ruby on Rails for development?

Ruby on Rails. The key concepts of the architecture

Let’s explore the key architectural concepts that make Ruby on Rails a lasting and effective framework for web development. Central to Rails is the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which organizes applications into three distinct components: data management, user interface, and control flow. Rails also emphasizes Convention over Configuration and the Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle, streamlining development and ensuring a clean, maintainable codebase. These foundational principles continue to make Rails a top choice for developers and businesses.

The Model-View-Controller (MVC)

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture is a cornerstone of Ruby on Rails, offering a robust framework for organizing and structuring web applications. At its core, MVC divides an application's logic into three interconnected components, each with distinct responsibilities.

Business logic and data structureUser interface and presentationOrchestrating data flow and user interactions
In a Rails application, the Model is central to the business logic and data structure. It interacts with the database using Active Record, Rails' Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system. This allows developers to manipulate data through Ruby objects instead of writing SQL queries. Models define relationships between different data entities, enforce validation rules to maintain data integrity, and implement complex business logic. Views in Ruby on Rails are components responsible for displaying information to users on web pages. They consist of HTML templates with embedded Ruby code, allowing for dynamic content presentation. Views manage how data is displayed, ensuring that information is presented clearly and interactively for users.The Controller is an intermediary between Models and Views, orchestrating data flow and user interactions. When a request is made, it is routed to a specific controller action. The Controller interacts with one or more Models to retrieve or manipulate data as needed. It then prepares this data and determines which View should be rendered, passing it to the selected view.

Convention over Configuration

Ruby on Rails is a leading example of a framework emphasizing Convention over Configuration, a design principle also used by frameworks like Laravel, Python, and Ember. However, Rails places this principle at the core of its design.

Convention over Configuration is a software design approach that aims to minimize the number of decisions Ruby on Rails developers must make during development. This principle introduces default settings and structures for everyday tasks, predefined conventions for naming and organizing code, and automation of setup processes.

The strong conventions in Rails do not impose rigid limitations; developers can override and customize default settings as needed. These conventions embody industry best practices for web development, guiding developers toward sound architectural decisions and making maintenance easier. The established conventions have also contributed to a vibrant ecosystem of plugins, gems, and tools within the Rails community, which work seamlessly together and enhance the framework's capabilities.

The DRY Principle and Its Implementation in Rails

The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle is a concept that advocates for writing code in a way that minimizes redundancy and repetition. The goal is to ensure that each piece of knowledge or logic in a system has a single, clear representation. In Ruby on Rails, this principle is deeply embedded through a variety of mechanisms, such as:

  • Partials in views, which act as reusable building blocks for web pages. They help avoid redundant HTML by allowing developers to create common elements like headers or footers as partials and reuse them across different pages, thus promoting consistency and reducing duplication.

  • Helpers are collections of reusable methods for everyday tasks such as formatting dates or displaying links. Centralizing these functions allows for consistent logic across the application without repetitive code.

  • Concerns are modular snippets of code that can be shared between models or controllers. This facilitates the sharing of functionality across multiple parts of the application.

  • Inheritance enables child classes to inherit common traits from parent classes, reducing the need for repetitive logic.

  • Active Record serves as a bridge between your code and the database. It allows developers to define relationships between models once rather than writing join queries manually each time.

These methods collectively promote elegance and consistency in Rails, contributing to a more maintainable, efficient codebase while minimizing errors and inconsistencies. The above advantages make partnering with a Ruby on Rails company an excellent choice for businesses seeking to build robust, scalable web applications with clean, maintainable code.

Ruby on Rails: A timeless framework for continued success

Ruby on Rails continues to be a powerful and reliable choice for web development, offering a well-established, robust framework that has stood the test of time. As technology evolves, Rails adapts, embracing new practices and innovations while maintaining its core principles that prioritize productivity and developer happiness. Its enduring presence in the tech stacks of industry giants like Airbnb, GitHub, and Shopify is a testament to its capability and resilience. Looking ahead, Rails is poised to remain a go-to solution for companies seeking a mature, market-proven framework that fosters rapid development and scalable, maintainable applications. For those committed to building solid, future-proof web solutions, Ruby on Rails services are not just a good option—they are smart ones.