Migrate your project from Vue 2 to Vue 3 in 6 easy-to-follow steps

What does your product gain from Vue 3's incremental migration approach?

Tips, tricks, and quick wins from our experts.

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What’s inside?

Exploring the latest Vue.js innovations and streamlining migration processes.

  • New Vue, new features. We cover libraries, performance, and new possibilities of the latest version of Vue.js

  • You don’t need to migrate your entire codebase at once; discover the incremental migration approach

  • What you can do even if you don’t plan to migrate

  • Problem/Solution tree for Vue migration

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Vue.js cheat sheet


  • Artur Rosa

    Artur Rosa

    Frontend Architect

    Web Developer with 5+ years of experience and a self-proclaimed ‘frontend geek’. Passionate about exploring new technologies and making stuff work

  • Szymon Licau

    Szymon Licau

    Frontend Principal Engineer

    Principal Frontend Developer with 10+ years of experience, guest speaker, and indie game developer

Get Your Vue Migration Cheat Sheet

If keeping your product up-to-date and getting the most from Vue.js is important to you download this cheat sheet and:

Learn about the benefits of the new version of Vue.js

  • How to navigate your migration process

Who and why should upgrade their digital product to Vue 3.x

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Vue.js migration cheat sheet

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