As a cross-platform solution, Flutter makes our lives more manageable and enhances development. Building applications with a single, shared codebase that can then be delivered to multiple platforms at once, is a comfortable situation for both groups, developers and users. It shouldn't come out as a surprise that Flutter development is the most popular way for one development team to build on all platforms.
Businesses seeking Flutter development services have a few solid reasons behind this decision. Among the most important aspects of choosing experienced Flutter agency leveraging this technology, you can find efficiency, native-like performance, customizable user interfaces and much more that Flutter offers. Each new version of Flutter provide significant improvements and offers more and more possibilities for Flutter developers. It's important to note that any improvement in Flutter translates into improvement in Dart language–its' part and parcel.
In this blog post I will explain step-by-step how Dart new features, especially --dart-define-from-file parameter, facilitate application configuration management. Let's dive in!