5 Must-Have Ruby on Rails Gems You Can’t Miss in 2024

5 Must-Have Ruby on Rails Gems You Can’t Miss in 2024

Despite some rumors about Ruby on Rails being dead, it’s doing well. With over 3.7 million apps out there, it’s still one of the world’s most popular frameworks for web application development. This powerful technology is known for its productivity and scalability, making it a preferred choice for many Ruby on Rails developers and businesses. Since the early 2000s, the RoR ecosystem has vastly grown and matured, offering developers lots of tools and support. One of them is Rails gems. Those nifty little packages make coding faster, thus building high-performance applications more efficient and quicker. 

Whether you’re a beginning Ruby on Rails developer or a RoR master working at a Ruby on Rails development company, gems come in handy in our daily work. This list of five must-have Ruby gems is based on our team’s and my experience and opinions, and yet we've built over 100 RoR products. I guess the list is legitimate. Once you know them, you won’t be able to live without them!

What is a Ruby on Rails gem?

A Ruby on Rails gem is a package containing reusable Ruby code that can be added to a Ruby application to enhance its functionality. Gems offer pre-built solutions to common tasks, making development more efficient and eliminating the need to write code from scratch. You can use them to perform various functions, such as database integration or handling web requests - you name it. Gems are especially useful when providing Ruby on Rails development services, as they help streamline the project and allow faster delivery.

Structure of a Ruby gem

Each gem has a name, version, and platform. For instance, the rake gem is identified by version 13.2.1 (released in April 2024) and is compatible with the Ruby platform, meaning it can be used across all platforms where Ruby is supported. You can view your current platform by running gem environment.

The platform refers to the specific CPU architecture, operating system type, and sometimes the OS version that the gem is designed for. Examples of platforms include "x86-mswin32-80" or "armv7-linux". The platform specification ensures the gem is compatible with a Ruby installation built for the same platform. See gem help platform for full details.

How to install a Ruby gem?

To install a Ruby gem, you need to have a package manager. Assuming you already have Ruby installed (version => 1.9), you also have a package manager since Ruby comes with RubyGems by default as of version 1.9. But what exactly is RubyGems? RubyGems is the name of a package manager - a tool used to install packages (while gems are the packages themselves).

With Ruby and RubyGems installed, you can run the $ gem install <gem_name> command to install the desired packages.

Now that we know a little bit more about gems and how to install them, let's discuss the five most essential Ruby on Rails gems in 2024.

5 Best Ruby on Rails Gems

Best ruby on rails gems_toolbox

Github Stars: 3,646 (as of Sept 2024)
Total Downloads: over 2,3 billion

The Bundler gem is one of the most popular gems, with over 2,000,000,000 downloads. It provides a consistent environment for Ruby projects by tracking and installing the exact gems and versions that are needed.

Based on your Gemfile, a single call to Bundler with $ bundle install will automatically download and install all the required gems. Without Bundler, you would need to install each gem individually by running $ gem install <gem_name>.

Getting started with Bundler is simple! Just list your dependencies in a Gemfile located at the root of your project:


# Gemfile

source “https://rubygems.org”

gem “rubocop”, “~> 1.66”

gem "bullet", "~> 6.1.4", require: true

gem "lefthook", "~> 1.3"


Install all the necessary gems from the sources you've specified:

$ bundle install

Github Stars: 12, 608 (as of Sept 2024)
Total Downloads: over 457 million

RuboCop is a Ruby code style checking and code formatting tool. It aims to enforce the community-driven Ruby Style Guide. This gem is used widely across Ruby on Rails development services to ensure code quality and maintainability. RuboCop is highly flexible, allowing you to adjust its behavior through various configuration options. It supports nearly all popular coding styles you can imagine. In addition to identifying issues in your code, RuboCop can automatically correct many for you.

RuboCop's installation is pretty standard:

Run the $ gem install rubocop command or add the gem “robocop”, “~> 1.66” line to your Gemfile. Then, use the bundler gem (by running $ bundle install) to install it.

Running RuboCop without any arguments will scan all Ruby source files in the current directory:

$ rubocop

Alternatively, you can provide a specific list of files and directories to check:

$ rubocop app spec lib/file.rb

You can autocorrect offenses with the -a flag:

$ rubocop -a

Github Stars: 7,063 (as of Sept 2024)

Total Downloads: over 125 million

The Bullet Gem helps boost your application's performance by minimizing the number of queries it executes. It monitors your queries during development and alerts you when to add eager loading to address N+1 queries, when existing eager loading is unnecessary, and when to use counter cache.

You can install it as a gem:

$ gem install bullet

Alternatively, you can add it to your Gemfile (installation with the Bundler gem):

gem “bullet,” group: “development”

Then enable the Bullet gem with the generate command:

$ bundle exec rails g bullet:install

The generate command will automatically create the default configuration and may prompt you to include it in the test environment.

If you are working outside of a Rails project, you can manually add it by including the following code in spec_helper.rb after loading your application's code:


# spec_helper.rb

Bullet.enable = true

Bullet.bullet_logger = true

Bullet.raise = true


As for further configuration, check out the documentation here - the Bullet gem documentation.

Github Stars: 2,677 (as of Sept 2024)Total Downloads: over 95 million

Bundler Audit is a tool designed to enhance application security by scanning its dependencies for known security vulnerabilities. It works by analyzing the Gemfile.lock file and compare it to the current vulnerability database. You will receive a notification if any gem in your project is flagged as risky. By integrating Bundler Audit into your process, you can take a proactive approach to identifying and resolving security risks, ensuring the security of your application. Many Ruby on Rails companies integrate Bundler Audit into their development workflow to ensure that their applications remain secure and free from known risks.

Key features include:

  • Checks for vulnerable versions of gems in Gemfile.lock.

  • Checks for insecure gem sources (http:// and git://).

  • Allows ignoring specific advisories that have been manually worked around.

  • Prints advisory information.

It's easy to get started with Bundler-Audit! Simply install the gem by running the $ gem install bundler-audit command, and you'll be ready to begin securing your application's dependencies.

Then, run a scan with the $ bundle-audit check --update command, and that's it!

Github Stars: 6,982 (as of Sept 2024)Total Downloads: over 133 million

Brakeman is a free static analysis tool designed to scan Ruby on Rails applications for security vulnerabilities at any stage of development. Unlike traditional web security scanners, which require a full application setup, Brakeman analyzes the source code directly, eliminating the need to configure the entire application stack. Ruby on Rails developers use Brakeman extensively in both early and late stages of development to identify potential security risks before they become major issues. After scanning, it generates a report detailing any identified security issues.


  • Once installed, Brakeman requires no setup or configuration. You simply need to run it, and it's ready to go.

  • Since Brakeman only needs access to the source code, it can be used at any stage of development. You can generate a new Rails application with $ rails new and immediately scan it with Brakeman.

  • Although Brakeman may not be the fastest tool, it outperforms traditional "black box" website scanners. The scanning process typically takes only a few minutes, even for large applications.


  • Only the developers of an application can truly assess whether certain values are risky. By default, Brakeman adopts a highly cautious approach, which can result in numerous "false positives."

  • Dynamic vulnerability scanners that operate against a live website can test the entire application stack, including the web server and database. Consequently, Brakeman, which does not interact with the live environment, cannot identify security issues related to the web server or other software.

Despite its several limitations, this gem is recommended by OWASP, which makes it a reliable, safe, and worthwhile tool.

Brakeman has a straightforward, one-step setup:

Just install the gem using the $ gem install brakeman command or add it to the Gemfile and run it via the $ brakeman command to scan the Rails application.

Let’s code with Ruby on Rails gems

I hope you’re convinced that using any of these five gems to build your Ruby on Rails web applications is a good move. Gems can only benefit you - they significantly speed up the development process, improve code quality, automate repetitive tasks, and enhance application security and performance. Phew, that’s a lot. 

But there’s even more to explore. The world of gems is tremendous; there are 182,457 gems in the latest official Ruby gems base. Whatever gem you choose, you make one step closer to fostering your application development process. Yet, when struggling with some RoR project complexity, don’t hesitate to reach out to a trusted Ruby on Rails company for support.

Patryk Gramatowski