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PyCon Portugal 2022: Monterailians on the Trail of Python

PyCon Portugal 2022: Monterailians on the Trail of Python

Arzu Huseynov

If you have any information about Monterail, you probably know that our company started its journey back in 2010 with Ruby as our primary technology. It’s been a long journey and after some point, we’ve decided to invest more, and improve our ability and knowledge of other technologies as well.

Currently, we have an extensive community with different skills. Ruby, JavaScript, Python, Golang, and other technologies are well-represented in our organization. Despite being a relatively new player in the Python market, we have a strong team and have already delivered amazing projects. You can see some of them here:

Cta image
Cta image

This summer was remarkable in most senses. First of all in June 2022 - I joined the beloved Monterail team. Also, in September there was the first PyCon in Portugal which we decided to attend as a team of curious and knowledge-hungry Python developers.

It was my first PyCon experience, and now I'm back and thinking about it, I’m glad I had the opportunity to attend the event. Thanks to Monterail and other colleagues who made it happen.

PyCon: The Origin Story 

It’s been 19 years since the first PyCon (Python Conference) happened in Washington D.C. The main organizer of this conference is the Python Software Foundation and other big tech companies are supporting it.

PyCon Portugal 2022 has been organized by Evolutio, a software house based in Porto, Portugal, with support from Python Software Foundation and EuroPython Society. I believe we also have to mention the University of Porto for opening their beautiful campus for us. It’s good to see this kind of conference happening in the EU. This makes it affordable and accessible for developers like us who are living and working here.

On My Way to PyCon

Feeling part of something big is the key motivation point for humans, and that is why we decided to join PyCon Portugal. The main purpose of this conference is to open new spaces for enthusiastic people to share their ideas and also promote the technology itself. We wanted to join and meet other people and discuss the latest progress of our community and learn from others.

According to Google Maps, the distance between Wroclaw and Porto is 2878 km. For most people, it makes sense to buy a plane ticket without thinking of any other option. Well, we are not in that majority, I guess.

Since this was my first time in the EU, I just offered other colleagues to rent a bus and drive to Porto together.We were going to feel the Zen of Python and I thought having a good trip together might be spiritual in this sense. Being on the road, following the Zen of Python… Our plan was to attend the PyCon Portugal, with some of the colleagues joining DjangoCon that - accidentally - was also taking place in Porto this year.

Note: Special thanks to my colleagues who drove all the way from Wroclaw to Porto. Folks, next year, I’ll learn how to drive. You have my word :)

My Impressions of PyCon Portugal 2022

If you are looking for a short answer to the questions about my impressions of PyCon Portugal, it is simply a pleasure to see amazing people who are willing to make our world a bit of a better place. 

The best part of being in this ecosystem was that there was always new stuff to learn. That’s also true for the Python community in general.

You might be a senior developer or a complete newbie. It doesn’t matter at all. After all those years of experience, I still am willing to learn new tricks or evaluate my knowledge by observing other people’s experiences. 


This time, I had a chance to attend a couple of talks and workshops to see the latest trends in our Python community.

From high-level AI/ML-related topics to new testing approaches, from contributions to the open-source community to good healthy developer life tips, I learned a lot of new stuff and gained a good perspective on current trends. In recent years, the Python community has become much more focused on fixing various global issues - from medical challenges to sustainability - than ever before.

I enjoyed listening to the “How to become a FastAPI Expert” speech from Marcelo Trylesinski. He is a humble and wonderful speaker.

Also, we should mention an interesting property-based testing library Hypothesis. Testing your code can be messy at times and consumes a lot of time. After the workshop by Michael Seifert, I started using this library almost instantly for my personal projects. So far, my experience is wonderful. If you’re a Python or even a Java developer, it's worth taking a look.

Also, after our trip, as a Monterail Python team, we decided to share our know-how and contribute to the open-source community as a team. Fingers crossed! 

We have exciting ideas to develop and share with you, so stay tuned for that! 

By the way, if you're a Python geek like us, we have open positions for you. You can check them out here:

Senior Python Developer

Regular Python Developer

Looking forward to joining the next PyCon!