Vue.js & Nuxt Migration Services

Future-proof your product by migrating Vue and Nuxt codebases to version 3. Our incremental migration approach minimizes technical debt and financial costs while maximizing scalability and performance.

Vue Migration illustration

Get Up To Speed With 3.x

Migrating your product’s Vue and Nuxt codebases to version 3.x ensures future scalability while delivering immediate performance improvements. Vue 3 offers reduced bundle sizes, improved performance (about 55% faster), and upgraded TypeScript and IDE support translating to a faster, lighter-feeling frontend for your end users.

Monterail official vue.js partner

Work with an official Vue Partner

The Official Vue Partners list includes premium software development agencies that provide first-class Vue consulting and development.

Incremental migration approach: safe, smart, cost-efficient

Rewriting your entire codebase at once is not the most efficient migration approach. Instead, use an incremental method.

Your legacy codebase as a whole still requires updating. But unlike a full rewrite, it’s spread out over time to minimize your technical debt and financial costs. This incremental approach will be based on your vision, which is crucial here.

Monterail Tech Network

Migrate your codebase in stages, not all at once. Divide the process to avoid mistakes and spread your investments over time.

What’s to gain from Vue & Nuxt 3.x?

Most importantly stability and scalability

Vue 2’s end-of-life presents multiple issues for digital projects. It’s likely that community-driven Vue 2 libraries won't see updates as attention shifts to Vue 3 and its new features.

This risk should be assessed per project, depending on the use of external libraries written for Vue. Special attention should be given to integrations with external services.

Such integrations may simply stop working, with the vendor only making changes for Vue 3. Additionally, there may be a problem with Vue 2 support in new versions of browsers and  libraries that are using unstable browser APIs. Normally, we see authors release a new version, but it may not be the case considering Vue 2’s end-of-life.


Yet another aspect that should not be underestimated is talent acquisition. Specifically, building teams within your organization or sourcing them externally. As time goes by, it will become increasingly difficult to find people who will be willing to work with end-of-life technologies.

Monterail Tech Network

Migration to Vue 3 doesn’t only shore up your product against the future. There are also immediate and tangible benefits.


In almost all cases Vue 3 is faster than its previous version. Performance not only has a significant impact on UX and how users perceive an application but can also affect SEO. Generally, Vue 3 is 55% faster than its predecessor and more lightweight than ever.


Thanks to Vue 2.7 it is still possible to use some new libraries developed mostly for Vue 3 in Vue 2 applications. Unfortunately, only a fraction of them. New libraries created that can significantly help in the development of your application, will most likely be written exclusively for Vue 3. Vue 3’s ecosystem is already strong and we believe it will develop drastically in the near future.

New possibilities
New possibilities

Vue 3 has new features that are not present in Vue 2, such as Teleport, Suspense, and multiple root elements per template. These open up new possibilities for developers and can help create an easier-to-maintain and develop architecture, especially for complex applications.

In the new version of Vue, you also have more options for ensuring the stability of the software thanks to, among other things, better support for TypeScript, which at this point allows static code analysis of the entire application.

Monterail Tech Network

Artur Rosa is a front-end architect at Monterail and a Vue enthusiast that's presented at Vuejs Amsterdam in 2021. Take the opportunity to consult with an expert in this technology. Clear up any questions or doubts you may have so your project can move to the next step.

Artur Rosa

Front-end Architect at Monterail

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